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Harnessing the Healing Energies of Sacred Geometry

Sacred Geometry is a powerful and ancient practice that has been used for millennia to tap into the healing energies of the universe. At Black River Crystal, we believe in harnessing these energies to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. As the owner of Black River Crystal, I have seen firsthand the profound effects that sacred geometry can have on our lives.

Our store in Columbia Station, Ohio, is a haven for those seeking to explore the healing properties of crystals and sacred geometry. With a large selection of crystals, gemstones, and other metaphysical tools, we offer everything you need to embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing. Our online store,, allows customers from all over the world to access our products and services.

One of the key ways we incorporate sacred geometry into our practice is through Reiki therapy. Reiki is a form of energy healing that uses the universal life force energy to promote healing and balance in the body. By combining the ancient symbols and principles of Reiki with the geometric patterns of sacred geometry, we are able to amplify the healing effects of our sessions.

In addition to Reiki therapy, we also offer tarot readings and chakra balancing sessions to help our customers align their energy centers and gain insight into their spiritual paths. By using the power of sacred geometry in these practices, we are able to tap into the universal energies that govern our world and bring about profound healing and transformation.

One of the ways we incorporate sacred geometry into our store is through the use of sacred geometry symbols and patterns in our jewelry and other products. The Flower of Life, Metatron’s Cube, and other sacred symbols can be found in many of our products, serving as reminders of the interconnectedness of all things and the power of the universe to heal and transform.

At Black River Crystal, we believe in the power of sacred geometry to unlock the healing energies of the universe and bring about profound transformation in our lives. Whether you are seeking to balance your chakras, receive a Reiki session, or simply explore the beauty of crystals and gemstones, we have everything you need to embark on your own journey of healing and self-discovery. Visit us in person or online at to explore our selection and experience the transformative power of sacred geometry for yourself.