Our Story

Once upon a time, nestled in the heart of our cozy neighborhood, a quaint little crystal shop sprang to life, right beside the placid hum of our daily lives. As fate would have it, this lovely beacon of tranquility and charm flung open its doors on the most heartfelt of occasions—Valentine’s Day of 2022.

It all began as a humble hobby, a personal sanctuary where each crystal, with its unique story and wondrous energies, was a friend. This passion grew, like a seedling reaching for the sun, nurtured by dreams and a community that shared in our love for these earthly treasures.

Word whispered through the town, of a place where the clatter of the world softened, where the glow of Amethyst and the shimmer of Citrine melded into a tapestry of peace and positivity. Our grand opening was a day where love wasn’t just in the air but was grounded in the very stones we shared.

The little crystal shop, once an idea shimmering in the back of our minds, unfolded into a haven, our Black River Crystal Shop. With windows winking in the sunlight and doors welcoming each curious soul, it quickly became more than a store; it became a crossroads for kindred spirits.

As our collection grew, so did our family of patrons. We connected, not just within the walls of our shop but across the waves of the internet, launching a website that hummed with the magic of our physical space. Our Facebook page became a hearth, a place of virtual gathering, where fans from near and afar shared their stories, their finds, and their love for crystals.

We thank the stars for that Valentine’s Day—for it wasn’t just a grand opening but a grand awakening. From the dawn of our hobby to the dusk of each day spent in the company of our cherished community, we’ve realized that the truest gem we’ve discovered is the unwavering bond with those who step through our door, both in reality and in spirit.

And so, the Black River Crystal Shop stands, a testament to the beauty that unfolds when you follow your heart and share your passion with the world. Here’s to the twinkling journey ahead, illuminated by the very crystals that brought us all together.

Discover the Power

Unleash Your Inner Energy

Explore our vast collection of crystals and unlock their healing properties.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you offer shipping?

Yes, we offer shipping for online orders. Shipping rates may vary depending on the destination.

What payment methods do

We accept all major credit cards, PayPal, and Apple Pay.

Do you offer gift wrapping?

We have boxes available for smaller items, our standard bags also make great gift bags with our unique design.

What are your store hours? Saturday and Sunday 11-5:00 pm

How can I contact you?

You can reach us by phone at 440-941-3403 or use the form on this contact black river crystal page.